John Deere launches EquipmentPlus App

posted on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 in Customer News

EquipmentPlusPlanterPlus, SeedPlus, and ApplyPlus have been consolidated into the EquipmentPlus app.

EquipmentPlus combines all your machine help content and machine presets into one convenient place. The previous tools found in PlanterPlus, SeedPlus, and ApplyPlus are also included in EquipmentPlus.

Once the PlanterPlus, SeedPlus, or ApplyPlus app is updated from the app store, a pop-up message will appear in the app informing you that the app is now part of EquipmentPlus. It then gives you the option to open the EquipmentPlus app and transfer your machine presets or remind me later.
GoHarvest and SolutionPlus are scheduled to transition to the EquipmentPlus app later in 2021.

TractorPlus will remain a separate app and will not transition to EquipmentPlus.
If you currently don’t have the apps, the EquipmentPlus app can be downloaded by going to the App Store on your Apple device or on Google Play for your Android device. Within the App Store or Google Play, search ‘EquipmentPlus’.